Chetan Bhagat’s half girlfriend,a review

I hav been hearing about this book a lot since past few months,a week ago i had been in a book store n i came across this book ‘Half girlfriend’ by Chetan Bhagat. I at first was not very interested ,no offence i just dont like his novels ,i just cant relate to his plots and besides i hate the way he writes his lead female characters. I only liked his one novel i.e. Five point soneone. Neway moving on to the book,even though i was not confident i still picked the book up bcoz of all the hype
Surrounding it.

(Spoiler alert)
So the book is about a bihari boy who falls in love with a high class delhi girl who is said to be physically abused by her own father. I dont get the story at all, at first c is not in love with him but is bestfriends with him n spends all her waking moments with him except when c is in home. He loves her n want to kiss n etc. etc. C is not in lov n doesnot like him trying to b physical with her. Then suddenly c gets married to a rich boy who also is her childhood friend,c is not in lov with dat rich boy but bcoz he promises adventure , travelling so she agrees. The book hints on her disliking anythinh physical n still c agrees to marry? I dont understand, am i getting something wrong,is c not scared f physical affection? N is the physical abuse by her father nothing to do with this? Is c only not liking it bcoz c was not in lov with the bihari boy,i mean c was so close to him,c even goes to his room…i mean friends can definitely go to their best friend’s room but i dont think they wud do it at the risk f being thrown out of the college….ummm neway c gets married to the rich boy n the bihari boy goes back to home throwing away a miliion dollar job. I can understand that some people do throw away a high paying job to do something they really like,its rare ofcourse. I am skipping a few parts. Then oneday he meets the same girl who is now divorced. C doesnot tell the reason n acts all mysterious n after spending a good amount f time with him c again disappears leaving a note saying c is leaving to die,dat c has cancer,dat c loves him n all. Turns out c is all healthy n is working as a singer in newyork. Singing in Newyork bars is her dream,i mean seriously? Mayb some people do hav such dreams who knows. Now back to da letter how insensitive f her to say c has cancer n is suffering like anything n is leaving to spare him seeing her in this condition. N also c expresses her undying love to him at the end f the letter putting him in more mental trauma. How did c fall in love with him i hav no idea,from when c has been in love with him n why no idea. Was this really love or selfishness no idea since c didn’t care a cent for his feelings. So c leaves the hero and the hero as expected becomes a devdas. Then after 3 years f suffering chetan bhagat enters the story who informs him f the leftout journals f the girl. Who in her right mind would leave out the journals? Dat too of a girl who wants to disappear. Leaving a letter or bill by accident is still believable,c didn’t even come back to pick these journals up b4 ne1 sees it(it took 3 years). I dont understand chetan bhagat’s entry into the novel,his relation with the lead character,mayb i missed out something. So the journals talk about her dukh bhari kahaani,her abusive marriage(so unreal) ,her haunting life her lies about the letter n her confession f her healthy self. The hero after reading the journal gets really determined to find her n bring her back. He doesn’ t even feel cheated ,betrayed n played. From here even the hero’s love becomes too filmy,he is clinging to a girl who never reciprocated his love for years,he is not moving on at all,he is like the annoying obssessive lovers. So the hero decides to go to newyork to find her and is determined to search even a thousand bars to get to his love. The author maybe thought this would touch a cord with the audience,the hero turning the world upside down to find his beloved,well ding dong we have already seen it in thousands of bollywood movies and we want something fresh and believable not something so unreal,the love seems unreal from both sides. Neway the hero comes to newyork for 3 months,he stays in his friend’s house n begins his torturous adventure n long story short he finds her on his last day of his stay n brings her back n gets married. She afrer doing all dat cancer drama n this n dat doesnot even utters a word of no,c just agrees to come back with him like nothing serious happened as if c planned this to happen n the story ends.

P.S. u may not agree with my review but this is from pooja’s perspective 😉



I remember the days before Twilight when vampires and werewolves conjures up an image of a dreadful,vicious beast. Just the name of it got us scared,i even dreamt of vicious werewolves trying to claw me into shrewds after i watched Harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban,where prof. Lupin transforms into a werewolf and chases Harry and Hermione. From early legends vampires are written as the undead ones,living in coffins,waking up only at night to drink blood of humans,how very scary,right? And the werewolves who are humans but humans who change into a frightening four legged wolflike but much bigger than a normal wolf like creature in a full moonnight,losing everybit of human conscience,knowing only hunger.


Pre twilight novels are all thrillers,all filled with blood and death. We read these novels only to get excited and scared,ain’t it? But after Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight everything changed. After the release of her books the idea of vampires and werewolves being deadly creatures shattered. Before just the name of these legendery mythical creatures would trigger an array of scary pictures in our mind but now hearing these names only makes us imagine an utterly handsome man who would give us that dream world which every girl dreams of. The change is just mind boggling,the things which gave us creeps before,now we dream of them like some kind of angel.

The effect of her books was so hard that the previous image of these creatures were wiped off completely from like everyone’s brain. Now if we google for werewolves or vampire books,we dont get thrillers instead we get hardcore lovestories. The vampires of the contemporary authors are all Edwards,maybe of a different temperament. If we analyze the vampires they are all in everyway edward,only the temperament might not match. They are all out of the world handsome unmonsters,who loves like an obssessed lover,kinda scary. Same is the story with the werewolves.

Saying that they are all edwards but most of them (talking of the novels i have read of vampires and werewolves after twilight) do not have the charm that Edward had. They have to be utterly beautiful,the authour would describe them so much that u would feel like ‘seriously?’ ,We got it he is handsome now move ahead. The heroines will be either very feisty or will be another Bella,which is infuriating sometimes,i mean there are other characteristics too…plz people.  Vampire novels of the contemporaries (not all,most) are still tolerable but the werewolve stories are far more less tolerable. They never leave out the ‘imprinting’ part of Meyer,i mean if you dont include that the lovestory will be much much better because because of this imprinting the love story will start just suddenly,just after the lead characters meet. The love story has no scope of development since they fall so deep in love with each other from the first sight that there is no deep more deep than that. Now this sudden over deep love is so unreal and so not heart touching,i mean let us understand why they fell for each other,how they fell for each other,how their love blossomed into this depth. Give us reasons of why their love is so unconditional rather than implying ‘destiny’ or ‘meant to be’ every single time.

I feel today’s vampire and werewolf novels are way too cheesy. The hero will be always be too handsome,too perfect,too rich. The description of their beauty goes on for more than two pages,phew! and on top of that the sudden over deep love without any logic,aarrghhh! I feel now like somebody please write another very famous novel on vampire and werewolf and make them somewhat normal in love and looks,so that this cheesy way of writing them would end. Some authors still manage to write new but most of them are under the spell of meyer. Meyer had a huge effect but the effect seems to be not that good. Not a very goodsite for buying expensive lipsticks

Today i am going to keep it very short since the original article had to be deleted since some of the pics didn’t get uploaded,so m writing it again but this post is going to be much shorter as i don’t have the energy and time to rewrite the whole thing again.,a very famous shopping site of India as you already know it. I hav ordered many accessories from this site and till today i didn’t find any problems as such but recently i felt very deceived by this site. I love mac lipsticks,specially the matte ones,and mac lipsticks are very difficult to get your hands on so i decided to search online and i found selling mac russian red lipstick, retailing for Rs. 990…i jumped at the chance and immediately ordered it.


After the long wait for the product to reach me,finally after maybe a week i received it,but to my utter dismay i received something that i haven’t ordered for. The lipstick was labelled mac Rousseau but it was not the one i ordered for,at first i thought maybe it was just a mistake. I calmly called them and asked for an exchange for which they readily agreed. But that night i simply searched on web for mac rousseau and to my astonishment there was no such mac. It was a fake one.


They could hav send me a different mac,thats okay but why a fake one. I was furious. However i returned the lipstick and then again waited for the original one to arrive but again to my disappointed they send the same one,mac rousseau but in different shade.


I just dont understand how can a reputed site such as this do such a thing,i didn’t pay 200 or 300 rs …i paid rs.  990 and thats not less in anyway and besides i am a college going student. I cant even express how cheated i felt. If u dont have the product then why put up on the site. Thats really shameful,completely unexpected from such a reputed site. First u dont hav the product,but still u advertise it in the site and then you deceive your customer by sending fake stuffs? How ridiculous.

Dress or manual


Shopping! Who in this world dont like shopping right? We girls are always up for shopping. Malls are like absolute paradise,salesmen are like angels offering us with treasures of dresses,shoes,handbags etc. We girls just feel like shopping everyday. The joy we get in buying a new piece of clothing is beyond words,the pleasure we feel in wearing a new pair of shoes is inexpressible, i totally live for shopping day in day out. Clothes defines us so we must never be careless about clothes.

Today i am going to talk about dress shopping. These days there are a great number of online shops available in India, we just have to think about the type of dress we want,type it in our laptops and walla u get the dress. Or if we dont have any specific kind of dress in our mind then we just need to scroll through and there we get it. Online shops offers so much discounts that we cant just ignore it right? So many ways they have to lure us into buying their things.


(Photo courtesy: Google)

A year or 2 earlier i was crazy about online shopping, i dont know why, at that time i didnot know about the COD option,i thought the clothes could be bought only through credit card and i was (still am)not very comfortable in using my credit card for shopping online because of all the cyber crimes i keep hearing about. But after i was enlightened by the internet about the COD option,i was thrilled. I immediately ordered three to four dresses. After like 5 days i received my order and i was overjoyed. From then started my online shopping journey.


Photo courtsey: google

But online shopping doesnot always end up in fun,sometimes it leads to major dissappointment.  Manual shopping may also lead to disappointment when sometimes we like a thing in the shop but donot like it anymore after buying it but the chances of getting disappointed is more with online shopping. It has happened to me many times,may not happen to you but happened to me most of the time. Its like the thing i ordered is not the thing i received, doesnot happen everytime though but most of the time. Sometimes on the net the dress looks so beautiful, so perfect on the model but when i wear it the colour sometimes looks dull or the lenghth of the dress is not right or the shape is just not me etc. etc. So many issues come up. Everybody is different,the size and shape,the colour of skin, so if a dress looks good on someone doesnot mean it would look good on us too and also because the different shape of our bodies some type of dress looks good on us and some dont. There are so many different shaped slim people and so many different shaped healthy people,so it gets extremely difficult to decide the dresses online and even if go ahead and purchase,the product that we receive is just not the one we imagined.

    I am not condemning online shopping,absolutely not. I will do shop online if i find something appealing and will take the risk of buying it,but i will prefer manual shopping to online shopping. Onoine shopping is tedious, it gives headache from the hours of searching the perfect dress and then the risk of dissapointment. Manual shopping is always fun,go with your girlfriends,search for the perfect dress,try it on and then decide if it is worth your money and if its worth your money then just grap it and go home. 😀


The Books I loved as a pre teen

I love to read novels,they r a way out for me when i am depressed,a good story can make me forget all the insanity in my i love n adore novels. I keep searching for recommended books since i dont like to try out a new book without a review as i hate to get disappointed,but sometimes you just cant escape from getting disappointed since everyone’s taste is dif. So  in this first post  i would like to first share with you the novels that i liked as a pre teen,this is not a review on the books though,m just sharing which books i liked. I would do another article on the novels i like now as a 19 year old self 🙂


       I actually started my journey with these awesome books by R.L. STINE, i love these books even now,not a book for 19 year old,i know. But i dont know why i find them so interesting,may be because i am not a fan of hardcore horror books of say stephen king. Okay guys so i loved these book but not every one of then since some were too silly like ‘The legend of the legend’ or ‘Night of the living dummy’ ,it was meaningless but others such as ‘shock on the shocker street’, ‘The haunted mask’,The Moonlight fever’,’Ghost Next Door,’Curse of the camp cold Lake’ etc. I really loved these books. I have so many memories attached to these books. The whole class was crazy about goosebumbs at that time, we even used to play out the stories in the break time.


      This books is actually among the series of the oz books,but the other books of this series like ‘The patch work girl’ and ‘The Road to Oz’ didnot interest me much,but this book i just loved it, loved it from the first word to the last,the story behind reading this book is…i was in class 7 or maybe younger, i used to love watching a show called ‘Sonpari’ , i was actually watching the reruns of that show. There was these 4 to 5 episodes in which the story of the’wonderful wizard of oz was adapted’,i loved that story and i used to keep on speaking about these episodes in school n there one of my friend told me that this story is actually adapted from a book and that she has read that book, i waited for the library period and immediately picked that book up and seriously that was a very good decision. I still remember how i loved that book and kept rambling about it for a week or two. I will never forget how magical it felt at that time.

3)Harry potter series

  Can anyone ever leave this out. I read my first Harry potter book when i was 10 or 11. It was a gift from my dad. At first i didnot get what the book is talking about. I tried it once again but then after reading twovor three chapters i again put it down. After maybe a few months my brother was like getting crazy about these books,he loved imitating the lead character and saying the spells out loud as if he himself is a wizard. This got me interested and i pushed myself hard to read the book taking a dictionary along,after completing i dont exactly remember which chapter,i was head over heels in love with the book. I was so in love with the three young wizards that i even dreamed about them. In this way i entered into Harry potter world and could not get out and never wanted to get out but sadly after deathly hallows it all ended, i can just remember the thrill, the excitement, the tears,the smiles, the butterflies and also the tension i went through while reading these mind blowing(literally) books.

4) The Little Princess

  I am forever grateful to myself for coming across this book in the library. Since i was only 10 or 11 i was fascinated by the word princess and brought the book home to try it out. How i loved this book, the cute girl who considers her and every girl in this world a princess had to go through so much,the only consoling factor she had was her doll. From being treated as royalty she came down to being treated as a servent, from being her father’s apple of his eye she became a nobody.But she kept her courage even though she was broke at first and fought with the world with all her might and came out victorious. Such a lovely and heartwarming story it is.

5) Famous Five

O yes,the Famous Five series. I hav read all the 21 of the books and i cannot just describe how nostalgic i am feeling right now. The famous fives….Georgina,Annie,Dick,Julian and Timmy,how interesting these kids were. I mean those picnics, those under the star sleepovers, the mysteries, the adventures, the secrets of kirrin island, the farm works, Georgina’s mother’s delicious meals and the bottles of lemonades they had on each picnic. Timmy’s chases over rabbits. O my God! I will never forget these five. They will always be in a big part of my heart.

6)The mistletoe farm

There are two books in this series. I totally loved the two books, the first one however touched me more,the second one just completed the story. I dont even remember the name of the second book. At that time i used to love reading countryside stories and mistletoe farm was a totally countryside story. It was about 6 cousins. The name of the book was also 6 cousins maybe. The story follows the story of the six cousins who had to stay together out of compulsion. When the wealthy uncle’s house got burnt,they sent their children to live with his brother’s family who were not rich and thus followed many hillarious and chaotic situation emerging out of the difference of lifestyle of the cousins. The taming of rich and the spoilt cousins and making them embrace and love the country life made up the whole story.

7) The mary kate and ashley books

There were so many of these books in our library. The whole class used to love these books, the pretty girls, the shopping trips, the dress ups, the parties, the cute boys, the break ups, the patch ups. These girls were so interesting and there life was so awesome. These books were definitely very interesting and worthy to read for timepass.

For today i just leave at this. I have read many more but these are the few among them which i really loved to read at my pre teen years. Mary kate and ashley books are i think a misfit. I think i read them when i was a 13 or 14. But i think i should just leave them. U might have loved other stories in your pre teen years, i would love to know which of the books you remember the most